This survey was conducted online for a period of a week.
70% of the respondents to the survey identified as women, 25% identified as men, and 5% identified as other.
The survey consisted of five questions. A summary of the responses is recorded below.
1. Do you remove hair from any body parts other than your face?
Yes, usually - 70%
Not unless my partner requests it - 5%
Only before a first date - 5%
I used to but don’t anymore - 15%
Never - 5%
2. Do you remove your pubic hair?
Yes, usually - 70%
Only before a first date - 5%
Only if my partner requests it - 10%
I used to, but don’t anymore - 10%
Never - 5%
3. If your partner has visible body hair someplace other than their face, does that affect your decision to date them?
Yes - 20%
No - 80%
4. If your partner has visible body hair someplace other than their face, does that affect your decision to have sex with them?
Yes - 20%
No - 80%
5. What is your gender?
Male - 25%
Female - 70%
Other - 5%
The first interesting thing to me is that 70% of people are removing their pubic hair, even though only 20% of people say it matters to them if their partner has it. I wondered if that 70% reflected only females, since 70% of respondents were female, but of those who answered “Yes, usually” to the question of do you remove your pubic hair, 29% were male, 7% were other, and 64% were female.
The only truly disturbing thing for me was that 20% of people allow visible body hair to be a deciding factor in whether they date someone. We really are a vain bunch.
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